Fiona Sutton
Psychosocial Recovery Coach
Fiona is an experienced Registered Nurse with over twenty years working in mental health and has started as a Psychosocial Recovery Coach. Fiona has worked in several mental health settings in Australia and overseas, including mental health assessment and case management, drug and alcohol support and assessment, and suicide assessment and intervention. Fiona works closely with those helping set realistic and personal goals, implement practical strategies, and connect the person to additional supports.
Fiona is looking forward to a new challenge as a recovery coach and is keen to promote a person’s resilience and advocate for community inclusion by breaking down barriers. Fiona promotes a recovery-oriented practice and is currently studying a Masters in Mental Health Nursing. Fiona is also committed to promoting community awareness of good mental health and appropriate intervention and breaking the stigma of mental illness.
What sets me apart from the rest - I am an experienced mental health registered nurse with a deep knowledge of mental illness and symptoms, crisis management, the mental health act, recovery framework, and local knowledge of the mental health services in the community.
Bachelor of Health Science- Nursing
Post Graduate Certificate in Psychiatric Nursing
Post Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Management
Certificate in Health Procurement -
Currently studying Masters in Mental Health Nursing